ActiveRecord Preconnect

Gem Version

This library adds the preconnect! method to ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::ConnectionPool. Use this when you want all of your connections in your connection pool to eagerly connect to the database, rather than lazily.


When using Postgres on Heroku with PGBouncer you can run into situations where your process will hang indefinitely. This issue seems to occur when using ActiveRecord, Sequel and potentially other database mappers in a multi-threaded environment.

The solution in Sequel is to set the preconnect option to true. This option tells Sequel to open all database connection eagerly, rather than lazily, and avoids potential deadlocks. I couldn't find an equivalent option in ActiveRecord so I wrote this small library to provide a method, enabling you to achieve the same behavior.


Add the library to your Gemfile:

gem "ar_preconnect"


Use the preconnect! method in any threaded environment. Here's a Sidekiq example:

Sidekiq.configure_server do |config|

Now, during the Sidekiq (server) configuration process, all of the connections in the ActiveRecord connection pool will establish a connection with the database, and will be ready before Sidekiq actually starts working.

You might also want to consider preconnecting with multi-threaded app servers such as Passenger and Puma, or any other multi-threaded process.

Single-threaded app servers and worker libraries such as Unicorn and Delayed Job should use a connection pool of 1, won't need PGBouncer, and thus preconnection isn't necessary.

Author / License

Released under the MIT License by Michael van Rooijen.